Karcı, Bayram & Karaj, Elton. "Religious Education in Albania: The Case of Tirana Haxhi Hahmud Dashi Madrasah", Conference Proceedings (Islamic Education in South East Europe), 22-24 October 2011, Priştine-Kosovo.
Kruja, Genti. “Sfidat e mirëkuptimit dhe harmonisë ndërfetare te shqiptarët”, revista shkencore Perla, Tiranë, nr. 1 (58).
Kruja, Genti. “A Historical Glance Upon Tolerance and Mutual Understanding between Religions in Albania”, The Journal of Balkan Studies, Vol. II, No. 1, Bursa-Turkey, ISSN: 1309-5188.
Kruja, Genti. "A Brief Survey of Kosovo`s Culture and Society", in C. Yenigun & F. Gjana (eds): Balkans Foreign Affairs, Politics and Socio-Cultures, Epoka University Publication, Tirana, ISBN 978-9928-4044-4-2.
Kruja, Genti. “Balkanlarda Dinlerarasi ve Kulturlerarasi Birlikte Yasama Arnavutluk Modeli”, International Balkan Annual Conference-IBAC 2011, Skopje, Macedonia, 9-13 May 2011, ISBN: 978-9989-43-293-4.
Kruja, Genti. “A theorical and practical approach on inter-religious coexistence in Albania”, International Symposium “Global perspektives on the religious, cultural, and societal diversity in the Balkans-Fethullah Gulen experience as a model and interfaith harmoni in Albania”, Tirana, 25-26 March 2011.
Kruja, Genti. “A practical approach on inter-religious coexistence in Albania”, International Meeting, Rovereto, Italy, April, 4-7, 2011.
Kruja, Genti.“Një vështrim sociogjiko-filozofik për bashkëjetesën dhe mirëkuptimin ndërfetar në Shqipëri”, 6th International Conference of Albanian Institute of Sociology-AIS, “Education in ‘turbulnet times’ – the Albanian case in European and global context”, Tiranë, 21-22 November 2011, ISBN: 978-9928-4000-2-4.
Derelioğlu, Atakan. "The Higher Objectives of the Islamic Divine Law", I. International Conference on Humanities, Hëna e Plotë Bedër University, 11-13 May 2012, Tirana-Albania.
Karcı, Bayram & Karaj, Elton. "Religious Education in Albania: The Case of the Tiranë Haxhi Mahmud Dashi Medrese from 1924 -1964 and 1991 – onward", in Training of Imams and Teachers for Islamic Education in Europe, Peter Lang, 01/03/2012, pp. 113-120.
Kruja, Genti. “Modernizmi, globalizmi dhe dialogu midis qytetërimeve”, Revista DI, Drita Islame, nr. 3 (350), Mars 2012, ISSN: 2226-7115-03.
Kruja, Genti. “Toleranca ndërfetare në traditën profetike”, Revista DI, Drita Islame, nr. 4 (351), Prill 2012, ISSN: 2226-7115-04.
Kruja, Genti. “Një vështrim sociogjiko-filozofik për bashkëjetesën dhe mirëkuptimin ndërfetar në Shqipëri”, First International Conference on Humanties “The Spiritual Quest in Humanities”, Tiranë, 11-13 May 2012, ISBN: 978-9928-4120-1-0. Karaj, Elton. “Një vështrim i përgjithshëm mbi Islamin”, Kelam, Zani i Naltë, Vëllimi 1 (154), Tiranë, ISSN 2305-655X. 2012.
Kruja, Genti. “Toleranca ndërfetare ndër shqiptarët”, “Le Cumunita religiose in Albania: una convivenza e possibile”, Universiteti i Bolonjës, Ravvena, Itali, 18-19 Tetor 2012.
Kruja, Genti, “Modeli i mirëkuptimit ndërfetar në Shqipëri”, “Religions for Peace”, 9th World Assembly, 20-22 November 2013, Vienë, Austri.
Kruja, Genti, “Modeli i Medreseve në Shqipëri, një gërshetim i arsimit laik me atë fetar”, konferencë ndërkombëtare “Islamic Education in South East Europe”, Universiteti i Vjenës & Universiteti Bedër, 1-3 nëntor 2013.
Kruja, Genti, “Kontributi i prijësve myslimanë në formësimin e vetëdijes dhe identitetit kombëtar”, simpozium, “Zambak Culture Center”, 12 maj 2013, Zurih, Zvicër.
Derelioğlu, Atakan. "The Higher Objectives of the Islamic Divine Law", Beder Journal of Humanities, Volume 1/1 Spring 2013, pp. 58-68.
Karcı, Bayram. "Crisis of Philosophy and the Search for Meaning in Life", 2nd International Conference on Humanities: Crises and Spirituality, Tirana/Albania, May. 2013.
Karaj, Elton. “Shkronjat e Kur’anit dhe shqiptimi i tyre – I” ZANI I NALTË, Nr. 5 (158), Tetor, nëntor, dhjetor 2013, ISSN 2305-655X.
Karaj, Elton. “Një vështrim në lidhje me hadithin e dobët”, Hadith, Zani i Naltë, Vëllimi 3 (156), Tiranë, ISSN 2305-655X. 2013.
Karaj, Elton. “Respekti ndaj ramazanit”, Jurisprudencë Islame, Zani i Naltë, Vëllimi 4 (157), Tiranë, ISSN 2305-655X. 2013.
Karaj, Elton. “Shkenca e kiraeteve”, Tefsir, Zani i Naltë, Vëllimi 2 (155), Tiranë, ISSN 2305-655X. 2013.
Karcı, Bayram. "Globalisation Economy and Religion", Beder Journal of Humanities, Tiranë, Shqipëri, Vol. 1, No. 1, Apr. 2013, pp. 92-98.
Karcı, Bayram. "Islamic Education in Albania: Educational Institutions of Muslim Community of Albania", Islam in Europe Through the Balkan Prism, Sarayevo/Bosnia and Herzegovina, Oct. 2013.
Kutlu, Adil & Kutlu Ayşe. "İslam Dini’nin Arnavutçaya Kazandırdığı Kelimeler", 2. Uluslararası Dil ve Edebiyat Konferansı “Balkanlarda Türkçe” Bildiri Kitabı II. Hëna e Plotë Bedër University, 14-16 Kasım 2013, Tirana/Albania, pp. 25-32.
Kruja, Genti, “Interfaith Dialogue in Albania”, OSCE-Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan, November 2014, Baku, Azerbaijan.
Kruja, Genti, World Alliance of Religions: Peace Summit 2014 (WARP), September 2014, Seul, Soth Korea.
Derelioğlu, Atakan. "Islamic Social Justice and The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)", Profeti Muhamed a.s. Dhe Dinjiteti Njerezor (Symposium organized by Komuniteti Mysliman i Shqipërisë), 13 January 2014, Tirana-Albania.
Karaj, Elton. “Shkronjat e Kur’anit dhe shqiptimi i tyre – II” ZANI I NALTË, Nr. 6 (159), Janar, shkurt, mars 2014, ISSN 2305-655X.
Kutlu, Adil & Coskun, Lokman. "The Role of Empathy in the Learning Process and Its Fruitful Outcomes: A Comparative Study", Journal of Educational and Social Research, Vol.4, No.2, April 2014, Rome-Italy, pp. 203-207.
Kutlu, Ayşe & Kutlu, Adil "Students Learn Better Through Reasoning by Analogy, But How? : A Comparative Approach", Journal of Educational and Social Research, Vol.4, No.2, April 2014, Rome-Italy, pp. 30-34.
Derelioğlu, Atakan. "The Islamic Consept of Social Justice an Peace Building", 3. International Conference On Humanities, “Socio-Economic Dimensions of Peace Building” Hëna e Plotë Bedër University, May 16-17, 2014, Tirana-Albania.
Karaj, Elton. “Adhurimi në jetën e Profetit (a.s) dhe ekuilibri në adhurim” ZANI I NALTË, Nr. 7 (160), Prill, maj, qershor 2014, ISSN 2305-655X.
Kutlu, Adil. "The Role of Religious Authorities in Constructing Peace: The Case of Albania", Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 19, August 2014, Rome-Italy, pp. 500-504.
Kutlu, Ayşe & Kutlu, Adil. "The Contribution of Moral Education on Raising Awareness of Citizenship Responsibility", Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 19, August 2014, Rome-Italy, pp. 509-514.
Kutlu, Adil. "The Impact of Interreligious Dialogue on Community Peace: A Qualitative Study on Shkoder Events in 1997", International Conference on Social Sciences, Conference Proceedings, Vol. I, 19-20 September 2014, Bucharest-Romania, pp. 716-720.
Kruja, Genti, “Religions for peace European Assembly, october 2015, Rome, Itali.
Kruja, Genti, “Albania: un esempio di convivenza interreligiosa in Europa”, Dialog Milano, Comunità di Sant’Egidio, Milano, Itali.
Genti Kruja, “Të mësuarit e normave civile në medresetë e Shqipërisë” I, Revista shkencore "Zani i Naltë", nr. 19
Genti Kruja, “Të mësuarit e normave civile në medresetë e Shqipërisë” II,Revista shkencore "Zani i Naltë", nr. 20
Veton Tulla & Hysni Skura, “Mënyra e drejtë e predikimit të Islamit”, Revista shkencore "Zani i Naltë", nr. 21
Atakan Derelioğlu, “Religious Pluralism in the Primary Sources of Islam”, 5th International Conference on Humanities, “Extremism in 21st Century: The Role of Law, Media and Culture” KU Bedër.
Genti Kruja, “Roli i bashkëpunimit akademik midis teologjive islame dhe të krishtera në Shqipëri, garanci për harmoninë dhe bashkëjetesën ndërfetare” 5th International Conference on Humanities, KU Bedër.
Ayhan Tekines & Hysni Skura, Drejtësia si parim parandalues ndaj ekstremizmit, 5th International Conference on Humanities, “Extremism in 21st Century: The Role of Law, Media and Culture” KU Bedër.
Genti Kruja, “Globalizmi, dialogu, feja dhe metafizika”, Revista shkencore "Zani i Naltë", nr. 23.
Adil Kutlu, “Rëndësia e edukimit fetar”, Revista shkencore "Zani i Naltë", nr. 22.
Jamal Safarty, “Detyrat e imamëve dhe thirrësve drejt myslimanëve dhe të tjerëve”, Revista shkencore "Zani i Naltë", nr. 23.
Atakan Derelioğlu, “The Ethical Dimensions of the Legal Rules and Prohibitions Regulating Social Order in the Quran: The Value of Human Life”, First International Conference on Islamic Studies, "Challenges of Muslims in 21st Century" Society, KU Bedër.
Atakan Derelioğlu, “The Theological Foundations of Interfaith Dialogue in the Primary Sources of Islam, International Conference on Interfaith Dialogue”, International Conference on Interfaith Dialogue, "Albania, a model of interfaith harmony for Europe?" University College “Bedër”; Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”; University College “Logos”.
Hekuran Uzuni, “A general view conserning the causes of misunderstanding and misinterpretation of hadiths”, First International Conference on Islamic Studies, "Challenges of Muslims in 21st Century" Society, KU Bedër.
Genti Kruja, “Bashkëjetesa ndërfetare në Shqipëri si faktor stabiliteti social”, International Conference on Interfaith Dialogue “Albania, a model of Interfaith Harmony for Europe?”, University College “Bedër”; Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”; University College “Logos”.
Genti Kruja, “Interreligious harmony in Albania as a model for Europe”, 4th International Scholas Chairs Congress , Rome.
Genti Kruja, "Convivenza religiosa in Albania e dialogo cristiano-islamico", La via adriatica del dialogo interreligioso, Rimini, Itali.
Genti Kruja, "Challenges of Islamic Sciences Department in Bedër College University in Albania", Viena University, Viena, Austria.